Meaningful lives full of love, joy and happiness

What you hear and hide


Unleashing your potential, bringing forward you who you are, stepping forward with the whole of you…This is not just a self-fantasy or an illusion to keep you longing for something different, to distract you from your pains and aches, while waiting for greater times to miraculously come knocking at the door.

This pain is true, this calling is in fact knocking right now.

Yes, you are probably called to more. You know that right?

I do humbly make that claim, maybe I am wrong of course -often I am in fact :).

But when I look out in the world, in communities, in schools, in government, in public offices, in daily pursuits and most of workplaces I see no spark of life rebounding from heart to heart, cheering the moment, enlightening each other, joyfully creating, innovating or love sharing.

That’s why I am sure, that your whole you is not there. Your meaning, your purpose, your uniqueness is not there. Without us, we might try hard, we certainly work hard but we also pretend big. We have to pretend, because we hide.

What fear is making you hide?

If you find what you are afraid of, please do not worry. This fear is telling you what you are protecting, what you care about, what you don’t want to get hurt. This is most probably one part of you that is being left behind, protected but also forgotten.

What would happen if that were to shine forward successfully in your life? How would that make you feel? How would your life be? How would You be?

Now. Are you sure you want to keep it aside? Are you sure you want to keep it under the carpet much longer?

Wholeness is awaiting. All journeys begin with a first step. Do yours now.

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