Meaningful lives full of love, joy and happiness

Who is it for?

A painful, stuck, disengaged moment in your personal, professional life? A complex, uncertain, disorganized moment in your business or organization?

A need for Clarify what really matters to you, what really matters to your group or organization can certainly be experienced in multiple situations and moments in one’s life. The Key is to be aware of it and ready to engage with it so that what you end up doing it is something that really matters to you and is worth your time, energy, commitment and love right in this moment. A life infused  with meaning is generous with love, joy and happiness with yourself, those around you, the communities you join and the planet.

So here are a few set of questions that might give you a clue that you are not living through deep meaning in this moment:

What is your level of energy, when you get up, when you are at work, at the end of the day?

How often do you feel pursuing something exciting that makes you thrive in your day?

What are the emotions and feelings that are mostly present in you day at the different context?

What is your main theme on your stream of thoughts and what mental states are associated with it?

What are the nexus of your relationships? Do they reveal what you care about?

Looking at the larger picture, how does it fit what you are currently doing in what you aim to be and be doing short, mid and long term?

Are you currently in one of those situations (although could be many others):

Disengaged in your workplace?

Lost thrive and energy? Feeling you can radiate more?

Uncertain to what is next in to your personal and professional live?

Without a clear direction on how to pursue your interests?

Uncertain at what are your talents and how to give successful expression to them?

Stuck in a desired relationship yet unable to make it work in a way that you feel truly seen and loved?

Looking for a new job but uncertain on what and how would be meaningful to you ?

Ready to start a career but unsure what you really can do that will shine forward your gifts?

Facing retirement, and looking for a reorientation of your live, one with more meaning?