Meaningful lives full of love, joy and happiness

Follow your purpose and everything will follow


Recently I have read a very interesting article ( from Amy Wrzesniewski (an associate professor of organizational behavior at the Yale School of Management) and  Barry Schwartz (a professor of psychology at Swarthmore College).

This article presents the results of a research they concluded on evaluating the importance of internal and instrumental motives and its consequences in terms of success. Here is what they observed:

“Our study suggests that efforts should be made to structure activities so that instrumental consequences do not become motives. Helping people focus on the meaning and impact of their work, rather than on, say, the financial returns it will bring, may be the best way to improve not only the quality of their work but also — counterintuitive though it may seem — their financial success”.

That is wonderful isn’t it?

The more that matters to you internally what you do the better you do it and the more success you might achieve from it.

I find it particularly interesting of course because Clarifying the Way’s mission is precisely about helping You to become intimately aware of what is that truly matter to you (right now in this moment in your personal or professional live). I am passionately engaged coaching my clients know what is that they long to do deep inside, to find and acknowledge their uniqueness and expressing it in ways that they feel is more meaningful to them and that they can have a greater impact in their contribution with those they love and the things they care about.

Find that voice inside you. Follow it through and you will be more happy and joyful. As if nothing else where to matter. You will feel whole, in alignment, centered, grounded and peaceful. You will be experiencing life in a new light, thriving in love.

But as it turns out it is also more probable that you find greater degrees of success in what you do, just as well as benefit from instrumental success out of it -like more recognition or more financial success.

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