Meaningful lives full of love, joy and happiness

Stuck in a moment, moving out of it


If there’s something that lack of clarity reproduces that’s lack of traction, action and clear direction of our movement. Obviously we can also say that unclear direction, restless attitude and erratic movement is conducive to lack of clarity in our thinking. It is quite clear that both of these elements are interrelated and that they work together in many possible combinations. There are also others aspects at play, like how do we relate with others and how do we fit in our environment in those moments, that we will explore in later posts.

Often then when we are low in energy and productivity, we are unclear in our thinking, we  are juggling with many non-concrete thoughts which might multi-plicate doubts in our minds. Also when we are unclear of our next step we seem frozen in a traffic light waiting for something to give us a go.

How do we move ahead from this stuck moment?


Some of us, when we find ourselves stuck in a moment, place, phase in our lives we feel it more as an inner state, an emotional mood that pervades our lives and blocks our energy and action into the world. For some others, this moment is felt as an unproductive stage, where there’s not much positive action, where the behaviors and our actions don’t seem to bring forward what we expected from them.

If you are in such a moment, observe what is that is prominent for you, what do you notice in stagnation, your emotional state or your actions and behaviors. Obviously you might at first find this difficult to distinguish, because as I said in the beginning both are quite interrelated and happen simultaneously. But as you deepen your observation on this moment, you will see that there’s one of the two that seems more significative to you, from where you look for answers, and from where you might already have tried something out. Observe yourself and try to identify where is that you hang out most of you time: are you thinking and feeling (inner oriented) or are you jumping to doing (action oriented) trying different options and possibilities or that’s what you normally would do but now don’t have the energy to?

Practice: Engage positively in what seems to be your tendency plus turn to the other to multiply momentum.

It is easier to get out of this zone building up from what we are more comfortable at, or what is our main perspective: inner oriented or action oriented. If we tend to be more action oriented, the move out would be initially (important) best sourced from that perspective and the capacities and capabilities that we know how to operate in there. If that is the case, your practice should be around small, simple steps you can do that will strengthen or reinforce your capacity thus helping you out in breaking this moment of stagnation. We will expand on practices on that perspective on future posts, but if you can’t wait, you might like to try to begin your day early morning with a small, clear step towards an activity or project that you wish to build. Small, simple action early morning, which might include some form of physical practice.

On the other side if you have noticed that you are more concerned on how do you feel, on your emotional state, on your motivation and deep aspirations. Then, the practice would be one more geared toward igniting your emotional state and bring some quietness and clarity. What is that you normally do that work for you? Maybe there’s already something you know that works for you but you are not doing it lately. Seating on your mediation cushion, listening to your favorite music, dance or playing, maybe even watching and inspiring movie. Try to break your confused cycle from that that inspires you, your mood and energy. And go from there. I will post more practices in later entries as well.

Now, at this point something that will really benefit you is to expand your tendency and preference by balancing it and fueling it by stepping into not its opposite but its complementary. If you have observed yourself as a more reflexive  and connected to how do you feel and why and how things are important to you, reach out to the action zone, and build some small steps into that direction. Building momentum on your action will not just get you moving, but also will inform and clarify your thinking and feeling, thus fueling back on what guides your way into something meaningful and purposeful.

If you are action oriented, then, moving into the thinking and feeling side of the equation, with some practices and attention there will sharp and infuse better traction to your doing. Try to simply seat for one minute in silence and pay attention to your breath before you engage in what you think it is next for you today. Obviously, the more you expand your capacities here the more beneficial that would be for you. Keep posted then, for deeper practices.

I have left many doors open in this post to follow up. I will do in my next post series on how to get out of “your stagnation moment”.

Enjoy the exploration.



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